In the unfortunate event you need to make a claim on your car hire excess insurance, it is important to know that the hire car company will require you to pay for the damage when the car is returned. They may deduct the excess from your credit card or request a cash payment. They will not be prepared to deal with your insurance company.
Generally, Car Hire Excess Insurance companies will be able to settle your claim quickly if you have all of the relevant documentation when making your claim. If you need to make a claim, it’s a good idea to check what your car hire excess insurance company will require before you drop the car back to the car rental company, as you can request any required documentation at this time.
In most instances all of the documentation you will require will be easy to obtain. If the damage was caused to the rental vehicle as a result of an accident, you may require a police report to verify what happened.
There is usually a time restriction on how long you have to make your claim. To make sure you don’t miss this, it is best to notify the claims department as soon as possible. The typical time frame to make a claim is 31 days.
The car hire excess insurance claim process is generally much more straightforward than other insurance policies such as home insurance, and most people report having their claim settled within 10 working days.