Annual car Hire Excess insurance is a godsend for the frequent car rental customer. It allows you to rent vehicles as often as you like for one annual fee. Some insurers will cover up to 62 days of continuous rental on an annual car hire excess insurance policy. Having one policy means that renters don’t need to fill out applications forms each time they want to rent a vehicle. It not only saves times but you also stand to make substantial savings, especially if you previously took this type of cover out at the rental desk.
Most companies will also offer a convenient automatic renewal service, which takes the worry out of forgetting to renew your policy each year.
In our experience, this type of product has proven to be particularly popular with people who regularly travel for business. It’s possible to take out a European, USA/Canada or Worldwide policy depending on where you plan to rent a vehicle.
Should you need to make a claim the claims process is very straightforward. You simply make contact with the claims company of your return, provide them with the relevant documentation as outlined in the policy document and should you claim be successful you can usually expect to be reimbursed within two weeks.
We are regularly asked if there is an excess on an annual car hire excess policy and the answer is simply no. If you are unfortunate enough to have to pay the excess to the car rental company, this will be refunded to you in full.